Rollin' With Stonie LIVE!

We talk growing, harvesting, and smoking CBD and THC marijuana strains, healthy smoking habits, and where to get these great products and resources in Michigan! Learn more about our journey in the cannabis and what are some roles you may play in this billion dollar Industry.

Rollin' With Stonie Smoke Shop

Shop for top tier CBD brands that specialize in the best CBD products, flower, hemp wraps, our hottest sculptured bongs, water pipes, and rigs. Accessorize with the coolest grinders, trays, and stash boxes and more!  100% TOBACCO FREE!!!(100% Vegan, Gluten free, and Non-GMO), and 100% tobacco free smoke experience.

RWS Clothing Brand is LIT!

Explore Your Munchie Favorites!

Take a bite into your favorite Sweet & Savory flavors from our partners in the Cannabis Culinary Industry, Janes Eatery Detroit located near you!



For all your CBD needs.

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  • Looking for a well known podcast to broadcast livestream from your event, pop-up, or dispensary? Want us to becaome an influencer for your brand? Book Us TODAY!

    Call Now! 
  • Created by WebvizualGraphix LLC

    Hungry? We can recommend something!

    As foodies we love to recommend great local joints to pig out and save dough on grub! Every stoner gets the munchies and you can explore Janes Eatery Detroit for just that! Good Grub!

    Yea, I'm Hungry! 
  • RWS LIVE! Podcast

    Tune in on YouTube with your favorite stoner Stonie Bea, owner of Detroit's first 420-friendly underground radio station brings back Straight Dank LIVE with a new and improved show Roliin' with Stonie LIVE podcast!